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Qur'm, Muscat, Oman
I'm a peculiar geek. An unusual computer nerd. I don't like evil. I only hang out with friends that I know all about. I like being good. I enjoy being a Christian. Though I am tall physically, I am small in reality. I am nothing compared to my brethren. I love them so much! I miss them all!!! My brethren are cool, and by cool, I mean totally sweet!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Toy Train

Kevin was an ordinary eleven year old boy living in an ordinary town called Speaschy. He was very average except for his courtesy that was really outstanding. He got this trait from his mother who died when he was eight. His mother taught him to be a good boy. His father was also a nice man. He would have been a rich kid by now if only his father had not died so early. His father was a bank manager but died too soon when Kevin was almost nine. Now, Kevin is an orphan and lives with his aunt and uncle who never had kids. The couple was nice to Kevin and promised to teach him all about life while he was still a kid so that he’ll be fine when he grows up.

One day, while Kevin was on his way home from school, he saw a newly opened shop right at the center of the town. Curious, he decided to take a look. The shop was a toy store and Kevin marveled at the new toys that were on sale. He looked at them one by one with awe. He saw toy boats, toy horses, toy cars, toy planes, dolls, toy houses and a toy train. It was the first time that he saw that much toys in one place. He was most amazed at the toy train. His mouth was wide open in amusement.

“Wow, I want that train! I’m going to ask uncle to buy that one for me!” He said whilst his eyes sparkled with excitement.

He continued on his way home hurriedly. But after he arrived home and saw his uncle, he couldn’t find enough courage in him to tell his uncle about the toy. He felt very shy. He just decided to keep it a secret.

Everyday, while on his way home from school, he would always take a peek through the glass window of the toy store. His yearning for the toy grew more and more each day. Sometimes he would even dream of it. He began to act strange and both his uncle and aunt noticed it.

“Kevin, do you have something that you would like to tell us? You have been acting a little different these past few days and we are getting worried.” His aunt told him. Kevin wasn’t ready to tell but his uncle touched his hand and said, “Kevin, tell us, please. When we took you in our custody, we decided to treat you like our own son. We love you and you know that. Tell us, Kevin. What’s the problem? Please don’t make us worry even more.”

Kevin decided to tell them about the toy that he wanted and his uncle and aunt were relieved. “So, it was just a toy train. We thought it was something else.” His uncle said with a smile.

His uncle found this as an opportunity to teach Kevin something about life. He wanted to teach Kevin that money is not to be wasted so he decided to make a deal with Kevin. “Kevin, I will give you ten pesos a day if you will water our plants, feed our dog and do some household chores daily. All you have to do then is to save up for that toy.” His uncle said. Kevin nodded in agreement.

From that day on, Kevin worked hard daily. He was saving all of the money that his uncle was giving him. And for the first time in weeks, he was sleeping with a smile. He was full of hope that he would get that toy. Very typical of a kid.

After more than three months, he had already saved up a thousand pesos. Enough to buy that toy train that he had always wanted. One Saturday morning, he decided to go to the toy store to buy that train. But he was shocked to see the toy train gone. It was missing. He asked to store clerk why and the clerk replied that it was already bought by somebody else last night.

He went home in tears. He worked hard and saved up for it and now it’s gone! His feelings were hurt. He cried all day.

During the night, after that painful day, as he was praying before going to sleep, he asked, “Why? Why did You let somebody else take it? I loved it so much and I worked hard for it. And now it’s gone. I know You are kind and righteous but why?”

After all those things, while he was sleeping, he dreamt that he was walking on the beach with somebody. He then asked, “Do you know why God let me lose that train that I really wanted.” A voice answered, “Son, God always wants us to have the best things for us. If you didn’t get it, it means that there is something better for you. You just have to be patient and wait.”

A few days passed and he still didn’t understand what the voice meant. But one day, as he was on his usual routine, going home from school, he decided to take a peep on the toy store once more and lo, he was awed at what he saw! A new toy was on the store. It was a rocket ship that was really nicely made. It was better that the toy train and was only worth eight hundred pesos!

He bought that toy and gave the rest of his money to his uncle and lived happily ever after.

The End.

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A Certain Smile
Bro Eli Soriano, the Only Sensible Preacher of Our Times

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Who I Am

Who I Am
I became what I am with the help of God, and I thank Him for all that. He made me the man I am today. Though I still sin and commit a lot of mistakes, at least I do know one thing- God is love. I will do anything in my power to serve Him, in the hope that one day, I will get saved and be brought to heaven along with my brothers and sisters that I look up to. I love them all. They taught me everything I know. I thank God for that. To God be the Glory!!!
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